Overall, I am leaning more to the excited side! The second trimester was really good for me. The morning sickness nearly vanished and my energy level definitely went up. For the most part, I felt great, but the last few weeks I have been growing a little more uncomfortable between the oppressive heat of this summer (one of the hottest on record....aren't I lucky?!) and the fact that I have no torso and Baby is definitely pushing everything up under my ribs! This week I have had my first comments from random people about being pregnant, so I guess I must finally look like I am having a baby and not just pigging out on the donuts!
The nugget has become VERY active as of late...which also means I am up way late! Chris and I have decided that we are officially growing a night owl, which I suppose is not really all that surprising considering his/her parental (and grand-parental) background! I keep telling Chris that we are either raising the next Michael Phelps or the newest Shawn Johnson because Baby really likes to turn flips and move back and forth. The latest game is for Baby to lay horizontally and then move its arms and legs out simultaneously getting me on both sides! What fun! Chris and I are also having fun watching my belly move, as Baby is now big enough that we can sometimes see the big turns and somersaults.
We have also discovered that there is nothing wrong with Baby's hearing, and we are definitely raising a music lover. One afternoon we were watching the Jimmy Buffet Gulf relief concert and the minute Jimmy started singing, Baby started dancing. When he was just talking, Baby was really still. Hooray for Baby being a little Parrothead! Last night, Baby was also jamming out to Paul McCartney, which made Chris extremely happy to know that Baby has good taste and enjoys the Beatles!
I am amazed at how fast the summer is flying by. We survived the trip to Iowa and returned home to finish 3 weeks of summer school, and while I love my students and my summer job, I was definitely not sad to see Wednesday (the LAST day) arrive. We are now onto the next projects. Chris and I are a little over a week away from finishing classes for the summer, which means I am only a week away from becoming a master!!! I have loved my program and learned a lot, but will be extremely happy to finally be finished! In the meanwhile, my mom and dad have been here for the past week and they have been a Godsend! We have sorted, pitched, recycled, painted, and moved nearly everything in the house. Of course this means we have created an even bigger mess than we had to start with (and put the cats into an incredible state of panic and confusion), but I am sure that it will all get finished soon. I'll let Chris post more about the various projects at another time!

23 weeks

24 weeks

25 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks (still wearing my size 0 capris--under the belly of course!)