A few of the lists I have made lists thus far
Things to Register for:
To be honest, I am still not entirely sure what goes on this list. I had a major breakdown in the aisles at Target this weekend as I realized I have no idea what I need and exactly what ½ the stuff they sell is really for. I survived though, and for those of you have been asking, we are officially registered at Target and Kid’s Pointe
Things to do at work before Baby arrives:
Plan weekly sessions
Make long range plans for themes and ideas (for me or a sub)
Work on our new Community Arts Transition Class curriculum and plans
Make a grade sheet for special area classes
Finish the schedule for 2nd semester—which is crazy to think, since we just finalized the schedule for 1st semester a week ago!
Find someone from my department to fill in as dept. chair while I am gone (any takers?)
Things to finish at home before Baby arrives:
Clearing and cleaning around the house—why does this seem so never-ever-ending?
Staining the bookshelf
Painting the armoire
Practice with and install the car seats
Bring home small baby clothes from storage to wash and put away
Finishing decorating the nursery
Work around the house and yard—re-install window screens, clean off the porch
Pre-register at the hospital
Pack for the hospital (This involves a whole separate list!)
Find a pediatrician
I should put paint my toenails on this list, but I discovered this weekend that I can no longer see my feet, so I am now questioning the importance of this one!
Etc., etc., etc.
Obviously these are by no means exhaustive lists (although I am exhausted just thinking about them!) and there are many other responsibilities, meetings, tasks, and what not. Oh yeah, and I am growing a Baby. We have really made some progress in this area as of late, especially evident from the pictures below. But what about the title of this post? Have you figured it out yet? Let’s be honest, the thing we really need to worry about and concentrate on… FOOTBALL season. We survived the 1st Iowa Hawkeye game of the season, and there are 6 to go before the due date. Do you think Baby will get to see any of those?

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

33 Weeks--We hit another growth spurt over Labor Day weekend-can you tell?