Today was the Sunday School Christmas program at church. We don't have a lot of children in our church, so the nativity story has to be rather carefully planned and orchestrated. The older ones are assigned to being Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, while there are just enough little ones to have one angel, one sheep, one cow, and one camel. This year, Graham was the camel. And what a camel he was!

It started when he wanted to sit by Elliot and me, and not the rest of the Sunday School crew. So, Elliot and I moved to the front row. Then, he sat on the floor next to me, refusing to move closer to the "manger" in front. His teacher, Andrea and I both tried to coax him a little closer, but he was having none of it. Instead, he opted to take off his adorable camel hat and proceed to throw it up in the air! Although I managed to catch the hat, avert a camel crisis in the middle of the program, and get one picture of the complete ensemble, Chris and I told Graham later that camels are supposed to be humpy, not grumpy!
Heaven help us if he is ever assigned to be an angel! I am having visions of the youngest Herdman, Gladys, screaming "Hey you! Yeah, you! Unto you a child is born" and halos flying everywhere! Maybe if there was a pirate in the Christmas story...