Thursday, December 26, 2013

There's no room!

For the past few weeks, anytime I have picked Graham up from school, he has stopped by the two nativity sets in the foyer and launched into a routine of identifying each of the animals and people:  "There's the sheep, the shepherds, Jesus' mommy, Mary, his Daddy, (Whose his name again?), and the baby Jesus, just like Elliot's a baby."  Next, he would say, "Why are they in the barn/farm?" and without waiting for an answer, he would reply "Because there's no room!".  I don't know if they read a specific story at school, but his answer was always the same and delivered almost like the punchline of a joke..."there's no room, get it, ha ha!"

Fast forward to our Christmas eve service at church.  My mom and dad went along with Chris and I and the boys for our second attempt at a family worship experience.  Goodness knows we needed the you remember the camel incident from a few weeks ago?  Graham is definitely not used to being in church during a worship service, and was a little antsy to say the least.  He kept getting up from the chairs and walking back to the wise men statues.  He would sit by them and/or place his candle in the crucifix holder, like he was the 4th wise guy!  Just as I was about to lose my mind, Pastor Marda started the gospel.  Graham was still not paying attention, and at the beginning of a meltdown when all of the sudden he stopped, looked up, and said, "Hey, I know this story...there's no room!"  I love that boy and his genuine spirit!

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