Definitely building are the piles of baby stuff around the house. The one room that was repainted during spring break has become the spot for all things baby. Chris and I are so appreciative of all the awesome friends we have who have offered us so many different things already. We have only purchased two items and yet we have a corner of the room overflowing with clothes, bibs, blankets, a car seat, and various other baby things (some of which we know Baby won’t need for a while, but really don’t want to turn down at this point).
So, what are we doing to get ready? We are making Baby Reece’s first pilgrimage to Iowa! We survived the first two weeks of ESY and are headed to Iowa for the two week break. It is odd to think that we have not seen either set of family since we found out we were pregnant, and we are both very excited to be returning to the land where the tall corn grows (well not yet anyway, you know, “knee high by the 4th of July” is how the saying goes)! Don’t worry, though, I am sure we will find some corn while we there and I can help get Baby off to the best corn-fed start! Besides eating, we are going to make the rounds, seeing as many friends and family as time allows, knowing that we are not yet certain when we will be home again. We are hoping for a Christmas visit, but Baby may have other plans.
Once we get back to Florida, the real work begins. Chris and I both have classes to finish up at FSU, ESY will wrap up, and the work to redo the house begins in earnest. This could be a rather interesting venture as I am still not sure what needs to stay, where it will stay, and what needs to go. We have several friends and family who have volunteered to help out when the time comes, so consider yourself warned…you may not want to answer your phone or check your email! For now, off we go!

19 Weeks

20 Weeks

21 Weeks

22 Weeks--Looking good, huh?