So we had the "big" ultrasound yesterday, and needless to say, it was AWESOME! I know many of you are wondering, so here's the big news: we are having a...
wait for it...
BABY! If you had the "baby keeps its secret" ticket in the pool, you win! The doctor and ultrasound tech were very good at helping baby Reece from spilling the beans (if there are beans), telling us when to look away from the screen. That was the hardest thing of all. I didn't want to miss a single second of seeing our baby. I know that this is all really happening, but watching our baby move around really makes it sink in.
Speaking of moving around, baby Reece has the wiggles. (That trait runs strong on Dad's side.) It took the tech a while to get a good enough shot of baby's profile. Baby kept hiding its face with its arms. We were remarking that there are plenty of pictures on both sides of the family with hidden faces, and now we have a new one!
Baby Reece showed off all sorts of things- fingers, toes, heart, brain, spine, TONGUE, stomach, and more. I was scooping my jaw off the floor, amazed at how intricate our baby's body is already. Not to get too sappy here, but I told Jen that I can't wait to hold baby once it's here (I'm a little jealous of all the time she's getting to spend with baby at this point, but I'm not so jealous of some of the other crazy things that pregnancy has blessed her with- I'll let her post about that if she wants.)

doing plenty of kicking in the weeks to come)
We feel so blessed to have a baby that is developing well at this point, and we are hopeful that the rest of this pregnancy and delivery will go just as well. If any of you think you can tell from these grainy pictures if baby Reece is a boy or girl, keep it to yourself =). We will have a real baby pool this fall!
Great post Chris! I am so glad that the little kept the secret...I marvel at your intestinal fortitude to wait it out...I never could, I begged the tech to poke & prod so we could insure that Harper was indeed a lady! Congratulations again!