Happy Two-Month Birthday to our Baby!
What an incredible Christmas gift! Graham turned 2 months old on December 26th. Chris and I repeatedly find ourselves wondering how we got to be so lucky and how it is possible that we have such a precious gift in our lives! Graham has changed and grown so much in the past two months!
Graham is now almost 10 lbs and has turned out to be a fabulous eater (to think we were worried about this 2 months ago!) and a good sleeper! Before the holidays, he had started to settle into a little eating/sleeping routine, which included 6-7 hours at night. I was really loving this, but of course everything was turned completely upside down with the trip to Iowa, and will take some time to re-establish I am sure. All that eating and sleeping has helped him to grow and outgrow his first set of smallest newborn clothes. He is still fitting comfortably in the 0-3 month things and thankfully for Christmas, he received LOTS of 3-6 month clothes which are too big now, but definitely won’t be for long! We are just hoping that he gets a chance to wear everything at least once before he outgrows it at this rate!
OK, so these clothes (all 0-3 months) really don't fit and are still way too big!! Chris says he looks like a gangsta elf with his baggy pants and hat!
The biggest changes this month have come in Graham’s active and social behaviors. He still loves to snuggle, and when on laying on someone on his tummy, he does a great job holding his head up at 45 degrees. However, he is NOT a fan of tummy time on the floor at this point. While he will lift his head, it is only in protest, and he will kick, squirm, scream and cry until someone picks him up!

On my back and still NOT happy!!!!
Ironically, he is showing great interest in starting to roll to his tummy. When placed on his back on the changing table or floor, he consistently turns his legs so that his lower body is nearly flipped over. His other new skills include placing his hands in mouth incessantly (unless a pacifier is placed there first) and drooling. He has become a champion drooler as of late!
Graham does a great job at visual and auditory tracking. One of my Black-Friday deals was a swing with a fish mobile. He loves to lay in the swing and watch the fish go around. He has gone from keeping his head in one place and just watching the fish as they come around to picking a specific fish and moving his head to watch it move full circle. Graham also does a fabulous job making eye contact, especially with mommy and daddy. He can now distinguish our voices and will move his head to try and see us when he knows he can hear one of us.

Posing with Mommy

Napping with Daddy (in the puppy jammies he picked out!)!
Similarly, Graham has started responding vocally to familiar people. He smiles, coos and aahs, and makes different vocal sounds in “conversation” with us. Graham has really developed his personality and loves to smile and giggle at recurring events. He has a very funny sneeze pattern wherein he sneezes normally two or three times and then makes this really funny fake sneeze sound. We have taken to calling these “fakers” and will call him out every time he does them. He thinks this is hilarious and will smile every time!
Sly smile

The many faces of Graham!! (Isn't his owl hat AWESOME?!?!)
In retrospect, this has been an awesome two months! I have loved being home with Graham and watching him grow and develop. I don’t even want to think about going back to work next week, as I know that he will just continue to grow and change. Hopefully, the transition will be fairly smooth as I am extremely happy with the day care arrangements and know that he will be well taken care of, played with frequently, and loved on immensely!
On to happy thoughts… here’s to another exciting month of growth and an incredibly happy and healthy new year!