Mommy's favorite football outfit!
Graham has grown so much in the past 6 weeks. He is now tipping the scales at a whopping 8.2 lbs, and is at least 20 3/4 inches long. He is long and lanky at this point, and while his newborn clothes finally fit fairly well around the middle, they are starting to get a little short. I am not quite sure how that happened. Looking at Chris and I, no one would guess that our child would be "tall" for his size.
Little hands...
Graham's growth comes as no surprise to us though. He has become a great eater! He is also learning to balance eating and sleeping, as we are going for longer periods between feedings and longer periods of sleep, especially at night. Chris and I have been pleasantly surprised by our "early Christmas presents" the past week when he has slept for 4 1/2 and 5 hour stretches at a time! It is amazing how different one feels after 4 straight hours of uninterrupted sleep. We both felt like we could run a marathon, and then looked back and wondered, how did we do all those late nights and limited sleep sessions in college?
More air guitar practice in the "Rock On" outfit! Thanks Andrea!
Our little man also shows more and more of his personality every day. For the most part, he is pretty laid back. Graham was a real trooper this week as we discovered last Sunday that our heat had gone out. I know what all you Iowans are thinking, who needs heat in Florida anyway? Normally, this would not be a huge deal, but this outage happened to coincide with one of the coldest weeks where lows were in the 20s and highs were only in the 50s. So, Graham and I got to spend some quality time holed up in one of the bedrooms with space heaters blazing. Thank goodness for E & B Heating and Air! They were AWESOME and able to get us heat one day ahead of their initial timeline. Chris and I were so impressed with them (and our landlord), and we learned how quickly things can get done when people find out you have a 6 week old baby in a house with no heat!

Snuggling with Daddy to stay warm!
While Graham did well for the 2 days without heat, it did sort of cramp his style because he loves to explore. He really seems to enjoy moving from room to room and place to place just to see what there is to see. He does really well holding his head up for longer periods and looks all around, taking everything in. One of our new "Black Friday" purchases was a swing with a mobile. Graham LOVES it!! Although he is still doesn't quite weigh enough to keep the swing from moving at an incredibly fast pace on the slowest setting, he enjoys rocking when we push the swing and loves watching the fish mobile.

Chilling in the new swing
Graham definitely has a sense of humor (again no surprise given his paternal background)! He is smiling more and more and it melts my heart every time! I am also in love with all the sounds he makes. Over the past week, Graham has started to make different vocal sounds and will respond with different sounds to Chris and I and our various conversations with him!

View from the back...

And the front...Rock on Lil Dude!
We are so in love with this little guy and are looking forward to our trip to Iowa for the holidays. Graham has lots of relatives still to meet, and we can't wait to show both Grandmas and Grandpas how big he has gotten and how much he has changed in the short time since their visits. How awesome to think that he will just continue to grow and change so much!!

Hanging with Quin during dinner one night!
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