My folks made the trip down to Tallahassee this past weekend, and while they had met Graham via video chat, I think everyone was excited to meet face to face. I had talked to Graham before they arrived, helping him prepare for all the hugs and kisses that he was about to receive.
We had a lot of quality time while Grandma and Grandpa Reece were here. My dad and I took a couple of hours to tour the Tallahassee Auto Museum. We even introduced them to such great Tallahassee dining as Decent Pizza and Sunday brunch at Cabo's.
When my parents weren't busy ogling over Graham (which took up most of their time- I mean, he's cute!), they were busy working around our house, helping us to get back on top of some of the things that move down the priority list with a newborn (you know, vacuuming and "adult" laundry). We owe them in a big way for all their help.
My dad and I spent many hours clearing out our backyard. If you didn't know, a backyard in Tallahassee can turn into a jungle in no time if left untended. Now imagine what it might look like if your landlord hasn't touched it in at least 8 years. I'm talking Amazon. We got a large area clear-cut, and with a little more time back there, maybe Grandpa Reece can practice his putting on the next visit.
Everyone had a great visit this weekend. My folks are back on the ground in Iowa (with a little "extra" time in Atlanta and Detroit). My body is telling me not to give up teaching for a career in landscaping. My wife and I enjoyed the gift of extra sets of hands, and my son has been showered with all kinds of love (in person) from Grandma and Grandpa Reece. Now we've got to start explaining to him that Grandma and Grandpa Koch have just as much love to shower him with when they visit over Thanksgiving. Better get ready!
Look at Graham looking at his grandma- so cute! Grandparents are the best, aren't they?