So what have we learned over the past two weeks?
1.) Graham LOVES to sleep! There have been many nights when we have had to wake him up to change him or feed him. Although Chris and I are trying desperately not to be those paranoid parents who wake their children out of a dead sleep to feed them, we are acutely aware that given his size, it is important that he eat on a fairly regular 2.5-3 hour schedule. So, we set alarms for every 3 hours and get him up, if he hasn't already awoke.
2.) When Graham is awake, he is WIDE awake and alert! He is very attentive and loves to check out his surroundings. He tracks many different sights and sounds. We are having all kinds of fun singing songs and listening to music of all kinds! Best of all, Graham definitely has a joking personality that I am pretty sure he gets from his dad. He often gets this cute little smile/smirk on his face, and it is nothing short of adorable! This is only compounded by the 10 hairs on the crown/back of his head that always stand upright, no matter what you do. Chris calls them his "alfalfa sprouts". They are so cute!
3.) Graham is a snuggle bug. His favorite place to lay down and fall asleep is on someone's chest. He loves his tummy time and is doing an amazing job picking up his head and moving it from side to side. Inevitably though, he will curl up on his side (big time side sleeper--usually right side which he definitely gets from his mommy) and tuck his head up under your chin and fall fast asleep! It just melts our hearts and Chris and I are often fighting over who gets to hold him first.
4.) Graham is growing so fast! When we went for his two week check up, he was up to 5 lbs. 15 oz. (Hooray for being only 1 oz. away from hitting the big 6 lb. mark!). However, while he has grown and changed so much over the past two weeks, he is still a peanut and does not have many clothes that actually fit. One of the biggest problems is that the weather has gotten cooler, and we are trying desperately to find appropriate sleepers/pjs for him. While preemie sized clothes fit the best around his middle, he is a little too long for preemie length. Regular clothes though, don't quite fit, and he has a tendency to become a "mermaid" and gets both his legs down one leg of the sleeper. He does NOT like this and gets extremely unhappy when this happens!
5.) Graham has made our lives more complete! All of us, even Frankie and Rescue! We are all better because he is here, and we love him more and more everyday!
While we have not had too many adventures thus far, we have survived two trips to the doctor, a "road game" trip to Fred's, and a walk around the neighborhood to break in the new stroller. Each time we go out, it gets easier and we are starting to feel more and more comfortable getting him and ourselves ready to get out the door! We have had several visitors and are excited because Grandma and Grandpa Reece are coming tomorrow. They are beyond excited to meet him and we can't wait to show him off!

Snuggle Bug
Sleepy Boy
Ducks on my feet--not my rear!

More Ducks!

All my boys together in one place!

Road Game

One of the guys at Fred's...he even gave Graham remote control power!

Snuggling with Mommy in my Owl PJs from Grandma Koch

I love owls too!
Sleepy Silly Monkey!

Breaking in the exciting!
Am I cute or what?
Beautiful Baby!