So, I don't know if you've heard, but our families are quite the Hawkeye fans! At least one member of my side of the family has been to each of the last 8 bowl games. However, the Insight Bowl in Arizona was a bit out of the way for a trip with a two month old this year, so we watched from home. Overall, Graham's first bowl game was a great success as Iowa beat Missouri 27-24! We all had a great time...some of us had a little too much fun!!

The guys and the game!

Daddy's little Hawkeye!

A little half-time fun...What is wrong with these people?


Cheering with Grandma Koch and her Daddy!

All this cheering wears me out...Go Hawkeyes!
Check out Jana's FB page to find out Keaton's reaction to the Super Bowl. Love it!!!!