I think we can officially say that we survived another "first" holiday. Easter has come and gone, and a good time was had by all.
On Tuesday, we went to visit the Easter Bunny. I told Chris I felt like we should go this year while Graham is still so easy-going and happy because "you just never know what might happen next year". Sure enough, our almost 6 month old son was not at all phased by the bunny, and Graham cheesed for the camera like only he can. The same can NOT be said for the 18 month old in line behind us who screamed and cried loud enough for the whole mall to hear. Graham was definitely more startled and put off by her than the bunny!

The Easter baskets and stuffed and singing and dancing bunnies have been arriving at our house since mid-March, much to Graham's delight! Since we had opened the packages as they came, I went ahead and got a few things to put in the baskets from Mommy and Daddy for Easter.
Although we didn't dye any eggs or do an official Easter egg hunt this year, we still had plenty of egg fun! I bought a set of Easter eggs and robbed Chris' spare change jar, placing different coins in each egg. Then, while Graham took a nap this afternoon, the eggs were hidden around his favorite places; in his crib, on his changing table, on his floor time mat, on his stander, in his swing, and in his car seat! He had great fun "finding eggs" throughout the rest of the day. He was so excited to hold them, shake them, and most importantly, taste them. I thought he might even roll from his back to tummy to reach one of them, but no such luck!

Tonight all the eggs were emptied and the money went into Graham's piggybank!
Graham also enjoyed his first Easter church service. He even got to have an up close and personal experience with a trumpet when we went up for communion. That was a new sound that definitely got his attention! And though the service went a little long for his attention span, he was all smiles afterward and showed everyone at church "Who's cute?!"

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