Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Convert?

Those of you who know me, may remember that I have never been a fan of Valentine's Day.  Single, dating, married, whatever my status, I have just never really understood the concept of spending way too much money on one particular day to do and say what we should be doing and saying all 365 days a year.  Sometimes, I wish I did get it, but then I think about the time and money saved, tell Chris that I love him, and move on with life!!

I do have to admit, however, that all holidays, even Valentine's Day, are much more fun with Graham!  Whether he understands the meaning or not, he likes opening ripping envelopes and presents and seeing what fun things lie inside.  So, after cards and packages showed up from both sets of grandparents and Graham was excited beyond belief, Chris and I relented and decided that we would at least buy Valentine cards.

Chris was ahead of the game, by at least 12 hours, and made his Monday "Dude" Night all about Valentines.  He and Graham went to Target, bought Valentines, and had them all ready by the time I got home last night.  This morning, I was greeted by not one, but two envelopes presented to me by my adorable baby boy.  I opened Graham's first and quickly realized why Chris said that I had to open it before I put on any make-up! 

He signed it!  Graham "signed" my Valentine!  I immediately dissolved into tears, but was comforted with lots of hugs and kisses.  How ironic that this first little thing that Graham has ever scribbled, written, and produced himself is a Valentine which I will keep and cherish forever!!  In an effort to lighten the mood, Chris then had Graham give me his Valentine!

Fast forward 10 hours to Graham and I standing in the aisles at Target at 5:15 tonight, searching for the perfect Valentine for Chris.  Even though holidays are more fun with Graham and even though I love Chris with all my heart, I just couldn't help myself.

Shoot!  Maybe my full conversion will happen next year!  In the meanwhile, Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Neil hates the day, too, (and I have no use for it), but he did surprise me with tulips at the end of the day.
