Thursday, March 8, 2012

We proudly present...

Our little boy!!!

Chris and I debated doing Graham's first haircut at Christmas.  However, those plans fell through, and life just sort of happened.  Before we knew it, it was February, and we found ourselves frequent recipients of compliments about our cute little girl?!?!  Obviously, it was time.  Now, finding the time to do this seemingly simple task was a whole different issue.

After doing a little research, we decided to add Graham's first haircut to our spring trip to Disney World.  So, Saturday, March 3, we got an early start and headed for the barbershop on Main Street, USA.


When we arrived, there was no wait and we were able to start without an audience or much distraction at all.  Our barber, Diane, was amazing and had Graham's hair cut in under 5 minutes! 

Graham did GREAT!!!  Then again, he was coated in Mickey Mouse stickers and was so busy playing with those and looking at the "ca" (Lightning McQueen Car) that I was holding that he didn't even really know what was happening!

It wasn't until someone mentioned hair that he reached back for the curls that used to drape his neck and discovered they weren't there!  When all was said and done, Graham got at least 20 different Mickey Mouse stickers, a certificate of bravery, and a pair of "first haircut" mouse ears.  I got a couple of curls (with a sprinkle of pixie dust too), a million watt smile, and a little boy!


Chris and I have been watching Graham grow and change over the past months, realizing that our baby was rapidly "disappearing".  And this weekend, with a few snips of the scissors, his transformation was complete.  I was definitely a little emotional...yes, nostalgic for the baby I once snuggled, but also incredibly proud of the little boy and his bubbly, curious, friendly personality that is emerging before our eyes. 

Oh, Mom!

Is not completely amazing what a haircut will do?

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