It is amazing how much can change in seven months! Graham is growing and developing right before our eyes, and seeing the world through his ever-changing, on-the-go perspective has definitely been the highlight of this month.
Graham’s perspective changed a lot this month because 2 days after his 7 month birthday he starting sitting independently. I got to Natalie’s at lunchtime on Thursday, and when she didn’t have Graham in her arms, I assumed he was sleeping. She just opened the door and pointed to the middle of living room where there he was sitting all by himself.

It seems crazy now, but at the time, Chris and I were both just blown away by this accomplishment. It was so awesome to think that one day, he couldn’t sit up without support, and the next day, he just could. If only we had known that we would feel that way about every milestone from here on out! Sitting has definitely opened up a brand new world, as now Graham reaches for everything and anything that is remotely near him.

His favorite things to reach for by far are the cats!! This month, it seems as though they each really discovered each other! Graham LOVES LOVES LOVES the cats!! He watches their every move and smiles and squeals when they come into sight. Rescue loves the attention and is content to sit with Graham and let him pull on his ears, tail, and whiskers.
So I have mentioned that Graham both squeals and yelps. As of this month, he also talks NON-STOP and laughs hilariously (see the piggy video a few posts back if you missed it!). Graham is definitely going to be a talker. He likes to babble back and forth and is really starting to get the ebb and flow of a conversation. He loves it when someone answers back and he gets to respond. He is stringing together both consonant and vowels sounds and having great chats with anyone or thing that will listen.

Using his mouth seems to be a theme for the month, as Graham has not only started talking, but also really started eating…everything…food

Graham has definitely been on the move this month! He continues to stand up whenever possible, and is showing a definite interest in moving about. He rolls from his back to his stomach and flip flops back the other way. He still hasn’t completed a full “revolution”, but we know it is coming soon. Although he likes to move, Graham is still happy as can be sitting on our laps listening to stories or singing songs, and the snuggle and quiet time is greatly appreciated by all of us.
There were a lot of first this month (most of which were covered in other blog posts); my first Mother’s Day, my first go-round as a “single parent” when Chris was in Orlando for the State Special Olympics meet, Graham’s first airplane ride,

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