We made it! We have arrived safe and sound, and for the most part, unscathed, in Iowa! We left Tallahassee on Wednesday afternoon and drove through ALL of Alabama to Nashville.

Our view in Birmingham, AL

Graham is a GREAT helper with the keys!
Thursday, we drove from Nashville to Des Moines.

Our welcome home gift! Gorgeous Iowa sky!
That is a long time and a lot of miles for a nine month old (and for a couple of 30 somethings as well)! We had a few meltdown moments and heard the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme Song (all 58 seconds of it) for about 25 straight minutes through northern Alabama,

The end result of our mini-melt-down!
but overall Graham did a great job, despite cutting a top tooth for the better part of the trip! He was a wonderful backseat driver!!

Now, we are all looking forward to lots of visits with friends, snuggle time with grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and most importantly LOTS of sweet corn!
So glad we could share our sweet corn while you shared that sweet boy! Have a great rest of the trip!!